Community Lunches
These are usually held at St Bede's Centre, usually on the third Thursday of each month, from 12:30 to 2pm (3pm when we include live music sessions).
Date for the next one:
Thursday 20th March, 12:30 to 3pm.
Quiz Nights
Friday 14th March - 8:00pm - St Bede's (8 rounds)
Thursday 27th March - 8:00pm- Milo Lounge, Lark Lane
Tuesday 11th March - 2pm to 3.30pm - via Zoom
Tuesday 11th March - 2pm to 3.30pm - via Zoom
Many of us encounter people in our daily lives who are isolated and need support in expressing themselves or in speaking out about what they want. They could be friends, relatives, neighbours or others that we meet. They could also be people to whom we provide a service as part of a paid or voluntary role. We call this help ‘informal advocacy’ and any of us could find ourselves in need of it at different points in our lives. We are also all capable to some degree in providing this support. However, we can struggle with lack of knowledge about where to go for help and with confidence in our own ability to make a difference.
This Zoom event will explore how we can provide support more effectively and some of the barriers that we might face. It will be of interest to anyone that is concerned about equality and helping to build more inclusive communities. It will include looking at conflicts of interest and the importance of independent support. It will also include a background to the different types of support and advocacy that is available.
To book a place, email
Agnes Woodford Project
Liverpool Citizen Advocacy
Telephone: 0151 734 5404
Text: 07523 245373
Liverpool Citizen Advocacy
Telephone: 0151 734 5404
Text: 07523 245373
For further details of this and other events, please email , phone 0151 734 5404 or message 07523 245373